Hi, I am

Beatriz Magro

Frontend Developer, based in Portugal

Hi and welcome to my coding portfolio! My name is Beatriz Magro and I'm currently living in Lisbon, Portugal. In the daytime, I'm weaving tales as a dedicated librarian, surrounded by shelves of stories. When the sun sets, I'm embracing the digital frontier, honing my coding skills at SheCodes. Join me on this dual literary and digital adventure!


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During the SheCodes bootcamp, I developed a variety of coding projects, including a Weather App delivering real-time forecasts, a World Clock simplifying global time tracking, and a Poem Generator fostering creative expression effortlessly.

Weather App

As my second project in the SheCodes bootcamp, I crafted a cutting-edge Weather App. Experience real-time forecasts with precision and style, enhanced by an innovative dark mode for a visually stunning and comfortable viewing experience.

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World Clock

Presenting my third SheCodes project: a World Clock app with a minimalist design, prioritizing user-friendliness. Simplify global time tracking through its intuitive interface, effortlessly navigating time zones for efficient coordination.

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Poem generator

In my latest SheCodes endeavor, I coded a Poem Generator using an AI tool from the API created by Matt Delac, founder of SheCodes. Harnessing the power of AI, this tool crafts poetic expressions effortlessly, offering a unique and inspiring experience for creative verse exploration.

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